
Bhangra And Giddha Club



One of the main events of Utkansh. Folklore is the event which brings participation in the form of folk dances. The folk of our regions bring us close to our roots, and give us the feeling of belongingness and identity.
1. Only Group performances are allowed.
2. Dances from all the cultures are allowed.
3. A team must have minimum 10 member and not more than 15 members. Minimum 10 members should be present on stage at a time.
4. Performance must be completely folk and all the team should strictly adhere to rules of different folk dances. (Modern dance forms are not allowed).
*The dress of giddha girls should be according to Punjabi culture.
*Action shall be in accordance with traditional dholak taals and traditional style of boli singing.
*Actions of performance will be in accordance with traditional form of dhol rhytm such as luddi, dhamal, mirza, chalaan etc.
*The dress of Bhangra teams should be according to Punjabi folk.
*Any Indian folk dance and tribal dance are allowed but western group dance is not allowed.
5.Time limit of the performance is 8-11 mins and the time will start when music starts or when first dagga on dhol is hit.
6. Props must be brought by the performers themselves. Use of props(like kirpaan) which can harm the stage are not allowed.
7. Any kind of vulgarity shall not be tolerated.
8. Teams must bring their soundtrack(if required) in a pendrive and submit it prior to the competition. (The track should be in .mp3 format)
9. There will be only one round.
10.Every team should have their id cards and photocopy of bank passbook for prize money transfer.
Judging criteria: choreography, synchronisation, stage utilisation, creativity, style and energy.

Date: 21st March
Venue: CSH
Time: 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Last date to register 17 March
Entry Fee: 100/- per student(for external participant)
                  50/- per student(for NITJ student)


Bhangra Face Off


1.Solo Bhangra performance.
2.The event is open to all.
3. No. of rounds –3/4 depending upon entries.
4. All rounds will be Knockout rounds.
5. There will be separate rounds for boys and girls.
*For 1st round, come prepared with your own selected song and the round will be in pairs only (i.e both boys or both girls or boy and girl)
*Time limit for 1st round – 30/60secs (max 60 sec).
*For 2nd round- selected participants from previous round will perform on random songs.
*For 3rd and final round- selected participants will performing jhoomer or luddi or with some probes on random songs.
If the above time limits are not maintained then points may get deducted according to it.
9. The winner from boys and girls will be chosen separately.
8. Any kind of vulgarity shall not be tolerated.
9.Participants must bring their soundtrack for the first round in a pendrive and submit it prior to the competition. (The track should be in .mp3 format).
10.Every participant should have the photocopy of bank passbook for prize money transfer.
11. All the participants should reach the venue half an hour before the scheduled time.
Judging criteria: stage utilisation, creativity, steps grace and style, and energy.

Date: 20th March
Venue: SAC
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM


Geetinder Singh


Vishal Rakwal
